Wine of Porto

Portugal's most famous wine, Port Wine, is a liqueur wine produced exclusively in the Douro Demarcated Region, in the north of the country, under natural and manufacturing conditions that are its own. The Alto Douro Wine Region is classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Guide Wines of Portugal

Wine of Porto, Portugal © Jon Sullivan / CC

The Tradition of Porto

Its process of manufacture follows three phases: 1) the fermentation of the must is stopped, being added wine spirit to the wine. 2) The stocking is then made, that is to say, the "preparation of a lot by mixing two or more wines" [1]. 3) Finally, the long aging process of wine, in the bottle or in wooden barrels, which can take several decades, depending on the type of wine. The alcohol content of Port is quite high, ranging from 19 to 22% of the volume.

Variety of Flavors and Colors

This famous liqueur wine is produced exclusively in the Demarcated Region of Douro, in the north of the country, following natural and manufacturing conditions that are peculiar to it. Portugal's most famous and best-known wine, Port wine surprises by the diversity of flavors, aromas, colors and sweetness.

As for aging, Port Wine can be Ruby Style (Ruby, Reserva, Late Bottled Vintage (LBV) and Vintage) or Tawny Style (Tawny, Tawny Reserve, Tawny + Age). The latter can be aged for 10 years, the Tawny 10, or more, being able to reach the Tawny 40 years).

Sweet or Extra Dry?

In terms of sweetness, the Port wine palette ranges from very sweet, sweet, half-dry, or extra-dry.

Guia Vinhos de Portugal
Vinho do Porto, Portugal © Ari Oliveira

Red, White or Rosé?

For the great lovers of traditional Port wine, Tawny wines are advised with the indication of age (eg Tawny 10 years). For wine lovers with lower alcohol content, white wines (16.5% alcohol, Light White Port Wine) may be advised. As for rosés wines, "good aromatic exuberance with notes of cherry, raspberry and strawberry, in the mouth are soft and pleasant, they should be appreciated fresh or with ice" [1]. Mateus Rosé is one of the best known of rosés.