
Cascais, District of Lisbon (Estremadura) - Located to the west of Greater Lisbon, Cascais is one of the favorite destinations for tours and weekends of visitors and the people of Lisbon.

Guide to Portugal

Cascais © Visit Lisboa

History and Vilegiatura

Parish that was a place of important events and rich history, Cascais from the time of D. Luís and D. Carlos settled in the Palace of the Citadel and had the privilege of being elected by the Court of the kings of Portugal as a place of vilegiatura.

Holidays in Cascais

With the advent of the Republic, the Presidents continued the habit of having spent holidays in Cascais. Equally, for everyone, Cascais is a place of undeniable beauty and pleasant climate.

Region of Lisbon

For those who stay a little longer, discovering the surroundings and the Greater Lisbon also, is a program not to be missed.

Discover Lisbon - there are many and varied attractions of the city that enchants visitors from around the world.

Lisbon Gastronomy - For those who gets a little more time, to discover the surroundings and the Greater Lisbon is a must-see program.