Alijó Highlights

Vila Real. Douro Wines

First Producer of Douro Wines

In Alijó, in North Region, sub-region Cima Corgo do Douro, in the District of Vila Real, in the northeast of Portugal, by far the highlights are the production of Douro and Port wines. Other The highlight is the Moscatel de Favaios.

Alijó is the first municipality in the production of wines (DOC Douro and Porto), including the famous Moscatel de Favaios. otherwise, the municipality also produces good oils.

Guia de Portugal
The Douro and Port Wine, the main highlight of Alijó, Cima Corgo, in the district of Vila Real Douro Vinhateiro, Trás-os-Montes © / Alijó Tourism, illustration

The Cima Corgo is one of the three sub-regions of Region Demarcated from the Douro. The other two are Baixo Corgo and Douro Superior. The Cima Corgo is the central sub-region of the Demarcated Douro Region, that is, it is located between the Baixo Corgo and the Douro Superior.

Drop in demographics
With 298 km², the municipality has 10,486 inhabitants (INE, 2021). This population is divided into the 14 parishes that make up the municipality (municipality). In 2011, Alijó had a population of 11,942; that is, the population fell by 12.2% in this period.

Portugal Guide
Vineyards in Alijó, Cima Corgo, district of Vila Real, Alto Douro Vinhateiro, in Trás-os-Montes © Google Earth Pro

Wine power

With 208,554 hectoliters produced, the municipality of Alijó is the first producer of Douro and Port wines, ahead of Lamego and São João da Pesqueira.

Land of good wines, crossed by the rivers Douro, Tua, Tinhela and Pinhão, located in the Alto Douro Vinhateiro and in the region Demarcated from the Douro, which is listed as a World Heritage Site by Unesco.
Find out more: Alto Douro Vinhateiro, Heritage of Humanity.

Wines from the Alijó Plateau

One of the differentials of the wines of Alijó is that parts of its land are located at an altitude of 600 m, which gives the vineyards more freshness. In addition to Alijó, this phenomenon also occurs in Sabrosa, Vila Real, Carrazeda de Ansiães, Vila Nova de Foz Côa, Meda, Armamar and Tabuaço.

Guia de Portugal
Centro de Alijó, in the district of Vila Real © GEP

Alijó Attractions

Among the main tourist attractions in Alijó of cultural, historical and religious heritage, the following stand out:

• Alijó pillory

• Pillory of São Mamede de Ribatua

• Tapir (dolmen) of Fonte Coberta

• For winemakers and lovers of good wines and good food: Wineries and farms

Find out more: Touristic attractions in Alijó

Portugal Guide
Wines of Alijó, Cima Corgo, district of Vila Real, Alto Douro Vinhateiro, in Trás-os-Montes © / Alijó Tourism illustration

Land of good wines and good food

With several renowned wines, the highlight goes to Favaios, served as an aperitif. Other good local wines accompany the cuisine of Alijó well, which includes sausages, game, kid in the oven, milk lamb, Bísaro pork, among other specialties of the traditional cuisine of the Douro.
Find out more: Gastronomia de Alijó

Surroundings of Alijó

Alijó is located in the eastern part of the Vila Real district. The municipality municipality is limited to the north by the municipalities de Vila Pouca de Aguiar and Murça, east by Carrazeda de Ansiães, to the south by São João da Pesqueira and west by Sabrosa.

Municipality of Alijó

The municipality of Alijó comprises 14 Parishes.